Sunday, October 26, 2014

Practical #2: #14 MO preparation and #12 MOD restoration

#14 MO Preparation 

The preparation was made using a 330 bur for the outline and a 244 bur to open the box. A green FenderWedge was placed in between 13 and 14 for damage protection.
Good Features: 
Isthmus Width: CD0 condenser will just fit and CD1 will not
Proximal: Margins visually free of contact with a gingival floor depth clearance of .5mm
Pulpal Floor: Ideal 1.5-1.7mm depth
Axiopulpal line angle: Beveled

Features that need improvement: 
- Cavosurface margins: slightly rough
- Occlusal: atypical outline form
- Axial Floor Depth: slightly shallow

#12 MOD Restoration-Composite 

Good Features: 
- Occlusal Anatomy: Major grooves, pits and marginal ridges stimulate normal anatomical functions
- Margins: No flash
- Proximal Contact: No shredding of floss and proximal contour mimics anatomical shape
- Surface Finish: Smooth and shiny
- Typodont is clean

Features that Need Improvement
- Occlusal Anatomy: Slightly undercontoured and marginal ridge is not even with 11
- Margins: Slight deficiency on mesial
- Contact: Slight variation
- Proximal: Slight overhang on mesial box

Image shows slight overhang on mesial proximal box while also demonstrating the smoothness of the overall preparation.

Operative Practicals #1: MOD preparation and DO restoration with amalgam

#12 MOD Preparation

The preparation was made using a 330 bur for the occlusal surface and a 244 bur for the proximal boxes. 1.9mm green FenderWedges were placed in the interproximal spaces.

Good features of the preparation: 
- Isthmus Width: CD0 condenser fit and the CD1 did not
- Proximal: margins were free of contact from adjacent tooth and the gingival floor depth had a clearance of .5mm
- Pulpal Floor: appropriate depth of 1.5-1.7mm
- Axiopulpal line angle: rounded
- Adjacent tooth was not damaged

Features that need improvement: 
- Occlusal: Slight overextension/overextension and an atypical outline
- Proximal Box: slightly acute/obtuse cavosurface margins
- Buccal and Lingual walls are parallel or have minimal divergence

Image shows broken contact with adjacent teeth

Image shows broken contact with adjacent teeth

#13 DO Restoration 

A matrix band was used to create the restoration

The Good Features
- Contact: Optimal and allows POH floss to pass with resistance
- No damage to adjacent teeth
- Typodont is clean

The Features that need improvement 
- Margins: Moderate deficiency in DB, slight flash
- Proximal Contact: Contact is rough and contours are not continuous with existing tooth surfaces
- Surface Finish: Moderately rough, pitted and voids
- Contour: anatomy lacks definition and contour will cause high occlusion

Image shows bulky contact with adjacent tooth and not conforming to the structure of the tooth